Sumatra Mandheling Decaf - What’s Brewing Coffee Review

I was eager to try the Sumatra Mandheling Decaf and see what kinds of flavors it had to offer after finding it in bulk at HEB Central Market in San Antonio. I knew What’s Brewing was a local San Antonio roaster but haven’t been able to find their coffees elsewhere, yet! We brewed the Sumatra Mandheling Decaf in the French press to our usual specs: 50g, 32 oz water at 200F.

I was immediately greeted by a rich coffee aroma that sang with smooth simplicity. I tasted a gentle fruitiness paired with a smooth milk chocolate and grassy, leafy flavors and Mr. Brew picked up notes of molasses. It smells simple, but the flavors are complex. I thought the gentle fruit citrus was a great pallet cleanser and left a bright sensation behind. It wasn’t heavy on the tongue and can easily be a daily drinker.

One thing I really enjoyed about this coffee was the low acidity. The beans were not oily (my guess is a light/medium roast) and it was apparent in the brew that it was going to be gentle on the stomach. I have been drinking lots of acidic coffees lately so this was a refreshing mixup.

After doing research on the single-origin Sumatra Mandheling, I learned more about why this bean offers such a simple smooth feel that is packed with flavor. Grown on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, and named after the island’s Mandailing people, the flavors have the ability to develop within the bean because of the volcanic soil and tropical climate, even at a lower altitude (750-1500 MASL). According to Espresso & Coffee Guide, Mandheling beans are known for being smooth, full bodied, earthy and exhibiting notes of sweet chocolate and licorice. I didn’t pick up on the licorice in this brew, but I am eager to find it in another Mandheling brew.

What’s Brewing Coffee has been chasing their goal of making coffee that you want to drink at home since 1979. Grounded in family, they have continued to expand their coffee lines to provide customers with the best on the market. The Sumatra Mandheling Decaf is an excellent example of their dedication to making quality coffee that is enjoyable at home.

Grab a bag and brew a cup!


Mrs. Brew


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