Homemade Chai Coffee - Recipe

If you are looking to add the spices of fall and winter to your daily coffee at home, we have the recipe for you. I love the warmth of Chai spices but sometimes find the chai lattes I order to be too sweet. So I experimented and found a balance of spices that you can add to your favorite medium or dark roast coffee for an at-home chai that puts the flavors of fall and cooler weather right in your mug.

french press, mug, spices, coffee bag

What you need:

  • 50 g medium/fine grounds of your favorite medium or dark roast

    • We chose Mexican Chiapas for a light smokiness and a strong coffee base (plus, we love it).

  • 1 tsp Ground Cinnamon

  • ¼ tsp Ground Cloves

  • ¼ tsp Ground Nutmeg (or Cardamom)

  • ⅛ tsp Ground Ginger (plus a little for extra warmth)

How to brew:

  1. We used our French press! Heat water until it reaches 200F. While that is heating, measure out your coffee and spices.

  2. Pour just enough water over the grounds and spices to saturate them and activate the bloom. Let it stand for approximately 30 seconds.

  3. Fill the press with the remaining water until full (approx. 32 oz). Let it steep for 4-5 minutes.

  4. Stir the grounds to agitate them and release any last minute flavors.

  5. Master Trick: Pour ¼ cup of cold water onto your coffee grounds. This will help pull the grounds to the bottom of the press and keep them there. Allow it to work for about 15-30 seconds.

  6. Press.

  7. Pour.

  8. Enjoy!

If you are brewing in a drip coffee maker, mix the spices with your coffee grounds, and brew like normal!

What to expect:

This tastes great as a black coffee! The spices aren’t overbearing and offer just enough warmth to the palate to remind you of cool weather and cozy mornings. We love it black, but it will also taste great with a splash of creamer or milk to add to the creaminess.

Barista Note: Steer away from using any light roast coffees. They are often too acidic and their own potency will diminish the flavors from the spices. Medium roast and dark roast coffees offer a depth of flavor that will only enhance the spices because of their strong coffee base without much frill.

Food Pairings: Our homemade chai coffee will go with just about every breakfast and treat you already enjoy. But if you want to complement the spices, enjoy this with a delicious and soft Pumpkin Spent Grain Cookie with Cream Cheese Frosting, a buttery biscuit, or a sweetly glazed cinnamon roll.

Try out the Homemade Chai Coffee recipe and tweak it until you find the perfect balance of spices and coffee for your palate. This blend brings all the spices and flavors of fall to your home, and saves you a few bucks along the way.


Mrs. Brew


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