HEB Cold Brew Dark Roast Coarse Blend - Review

After trying HEB Cafe Ole’s ready-to-drink Cold Brew Black, we were curious how the at-home coffee grounds would compare to such a strong flavor. So we snagged a bag and brewed a cup (or four) and enjoyed the refreshing sip of cold coffee on a hot, humid Texas morning.

Brewing Cold Brew

Making a cold brew is easy! First you need to find a vessel that will hold the grounds and the water. If you have a French press, this is the easiest as you will already have the means to filter. If you don’t have a French press, use a water pitcher or any jug that holds at least 32 oz of water. 

Note: If you don’t use a French press, you also need to find a way to filter the grounds after steeping. You can use a muslin, cheesecloth, or coffee filter. 

Measure out 50 g of HEB’s Cold Brew Dark Roast Coarse Grind and pour it into the press. Using 32 oz of cold water, saturate the grounds evenly. Let it steep overnight for at least 9 hours. 

In the morning, stir the grounds so that any trapped flavors are released, then press and pour over ice!

The Brew

coffee mug, bag of coffee, plate of blueberry muffins

We left our cold brew to steep for 9 hours and were pleased with the end result. This brew is very strong with prominent smoky flavors. If you’ve tried the bottled version, expect something similar in the at-home edition. We really loved the sharpness of the dark roast straight black, but this brew makes an excellent base if you want to add some sweeter touches.

To turn this cold brew into a cold brew latte, add 1 tsp of your favorite sweetener (we used Hazelnut) and a splash of milk or cream to taste. The smoky flavors are immediately tamed down and balance well with any amount of sweetness you add to it, keeping the entire brew enjoyable. If you are more accustomed to sweet drinks, the black variant might seem bitter, but trust in the process and know it is the perfect starting place for your at-home brewing.

Health Benefits of Cold Brew

In addition to strong, bold flavors, cold brews also have some health benefits. Because the beans are not exposed to strong heat, certain oils aren’t released that make coffee acidic. If you are someone with a sensitive stomach or heartburn, this is a great way to ease up on the acidity without completely cutting out your morning cup of coffee.

Although some brews can be really high in caffeine, I find that when I make cold brew at home, the caffeine is more balanced and I don’t feel as jittery or shaky after drinking my coffee. For people struggling with caffeine intake or who want to cut back, try cold brew for a week and see how it makes you feel.

Food Pairing

We paired this cold brew with two different breakfasts: blueberry muffins, and eggs and toast. Both pairings were great! If you want to add some lighter sweet tones without brewing up a latte, add a dollop of whipped cream to your blueberry muffins or make scrambled eggs with a splash of milk. Then the smoky flavors will perfectly balance with the lighter flavors of your breakfast.

Better yet, check out our recipe for Blueberry Scones and add a dollop of whipped cream to these delectable treats to pair with the strong, smoky Cold Brew Dark Roast.

I love making cold brew, especially when the weather heats up or when I know I’ll be pressed for time in the morning. Just about every coffee can be used for a cold brew, but HEB’s Cold Brew Dark Roast Coarse Grind is designed with cold brew in mind and has the perfect density of flavor for your brew.

Check it out, and get to brewing!


Mrs. Brew

Curious how Cold Brew is different than Iced Coffee? Find out!


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