HEB Cafe Olé - French Roast Review

bag of coffee next to a mug

We just picked up a bag of the HEB Cafe Olé French Roast. This coffee is described as “full-bodied with a deep, smoky aroma and rich finish.” This 100% Arabica dark roast coffee is just what we needed to put summer behind us and say hello to the winter months and cooler weather.

Right from the start, this coffee has a very dark and smoky aroma. While brewing, it produces a very active bloom (especially for grounds, which shows how freshly roasted the beans were). Once that delicious brew makes it to the cup, we are greeted with a slightly nutty aroma that blends nicely with the smokiness. It has a medium-heavy mouthfeel but is smooth with a rich, silky finish that lingers on the palate.

Cafe Olé’s French Roast is low in acidity because of the dark, intense roasting process. The darker the roast, the lower the acidity, which makes it a great option for those who feel the fruitier and more acidic coffees turn sour in their stomachs. 

Pair this smoky, dense French Roast with a sweet pastry like a Danish, French toast, or cinnamon roll for the ultimate contrast in flavors.

If you like your coffee dark and dense, take a swig!

Mrs. Brew


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