Peet’s French Roast - Review

As we searched the coffee aisle, we came across a freshly roasted bag of Peet’s French Roast and immediately took it home. This dark roast coffee is described as having a “rich coffee character …[that] comes from a short, intense roast, which not all beans can handle and Peet’s has perfected.” With a description like that, they have a lot to live up to.

Right away, I noticed how fine the grind of this coffee is. Because we love brewing in our French press, we use a medium-fine grind and Peet’s came ground more like a fine espresso. This creates more surface area for extraction and can easily lead to over-extracted coffee if not brewed carefully.

When brewed in our press to the usual specs, we noticed a fairly active bloom and a rich smoky aroma. After starting our French Roast exploration with some heavy smoky flavors, we noticed less smoke in this bag, but more of the subtler chocolate and caramel notes that shine in the middle to back of the sip and pleasantly coat the palate. This is a creamy coffee and easily enjoyable.

With the simplicity and balance of a daily sipper and the flavors of a finer French Roast coffee, Peet’s has definitely perfected this dark roast by letting flavors speak for themselves. Not too smoky, this is a coffee you will want to enjoy come rain or shine.


Mrs. Brew


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