Argelia Select - Wild Gift Coffee Review

After visiting Theory Coffee, we took home a bag of Wild Gift Coffee’s Argelia Select. Wild Gift Coffee is from Austin, Texas, and has been roasting coffee since 2014. They are Theory’s main bean and roast unique seasonal flavors.

bag of Wild Gift coffee in front of a plant, french press pouring coffee into a mug

According to the label, Argelia Select has notes of “kiwi, pulpy, and apple.” Knowing it has kiwi we are expecting a light and acidic coffee and an earthy undertone from the apple and pulp flavors.

We brewed this to our usual specs in the French press – 50g medium fine grind coffee, 200℉ water – and steeped for four to five minutes before pressing and pouring.

The bloom was very active, confirming the beans we bought were freshly roasted. During the bloom and steeping process, the aroma is very fruity, reminding me of cooked apples. The brew was slightly reddish compared to a dark brown/black, indicating a lighter roast.

The strong aroma of fruit and apples is slightly subdued in flavor, carrying more of a perfumy flavor from the kiwi and a strong vibrant acidity. Mr. Brew noticed a hint of coriander that coats the mouth, while I picked up more on Kiwi and oranges. The pulpiness came to me more as an orange pith flavor, but was pleasant. We noticed elements of tart sweetness that were reminiscent of a light caramel. As you can see, this is a complex coffee profile!

Barista Notes: If you are a fan of fruity coffees, try this as a cold brew! Grind 50g of Argelia Select and steep for at least 12 hours in the fridge. Make sure to fill the press with cold water, not hot. Keeping the grounds cold the entire time is what releases the flavor without the extra acidity. As a cold brew, Argelia Select was even fruitier but with less acidity. The kiwi and apple flavors are complemented by an orange sweetness and a bright, dry finish. 

Although slightly more expensive at $18.50 a bag (and without a way to reseal after opening), if you are a fan of bright, acidic coffees, you will want to try out Argelia Select and Wild Gift Coffee’s summer roasts. They blended the summer sunshine and vibrancy of Austin, TX, to create unique profiles I haven’t seen elsewhere.


Mrs. Brew


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