Coffee Porter - Real Ale Review

Real Ale's Coffee Porter bottle and poured into a mug.

As a beer drinker, there are few things better than waiting in anticipation for a fantastic seasonal to come out. We watch for it on the shelves and follow our favorite brewer’s social media with manic (even psychopathic) dedication. It’s that child-like feeling of waiting for that new toy to arrive in store. And like that kiddo, we find ourselves giddy with delight when we see that new six pack, fresh and bright and pleading to come home with us.

November and December are two months filled with that anticipation, and this week we bring you Real Ale’s most popular seasonal: Coffee Porter. It’s only available November-January, but it is as distinct and recognizable as anything to a Texas beer drinker.

Real Ale describes it as “a rich, robust ale with a dry finish,” and they add Katz (Houston, TX) cold brew coffee just before packaging to give it that coffee zip without all the bitterness. It rings in at 6.6% ABV and 35 IBUs. Now, let’s see how it fares on the senses.

First Impressions:

  • On the Eyes--Coffee Porter is beautifully dark with just a hint of light shining through, and it is topped with a tan-colored head.

  • On the Nose--The malted barley is sweet and inviting, and I get some nice dark chocolate and coffee notes. It’s not oppressive or overbearing, just enticing.

  • On the Palate--The malt sweetness pushes ahead with some candy-like flavor (almost tootsie roll-like to me), making a really nice setup for the cold brew to wash through. It is not acidic or bitter or overpowering, but clean, distinct, and complimentary. It does have a dry finish, which I find quite pleasing. It reminds me of a more robust version of their Brewhouse Brown Ale but with fantastic coffee notes coming through, and this shows me the consistent hand of the brewer which I believe to be very important. One thing I also think is important about this porter is that it is approachable, and two or three will give you that warm winter feeling without the gut ache. It is certainly a Real Ale beer and it is a fun seasonal to drink.

Real Ale always makes solid and consistent beers and that is probably why they have such a great history in Texas craft beer. They suggest pairing their Coffee Porter with French Toast, Pork Tenderloin, and Chili. And I suggest pairing it with just about anything on a cold day.


Mr. Brew

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