Christmas Ale - Saint Arnold Review

The season’s choices can be overwhelming. Do I get my wife that diamond necklace or the vacuum she pointed to at Walmart the other day? Do we spend Christmas at someplace familiar or do we go to the in-laws’ and experience strange and new traditions? And what about the booze? Do I find a stout, an IPA, a red ale? Dare I say, wine?

Saint Arnold Brewery's Christmas Ale in a bottle and poured into a mug.

It can all be so overwhelming. But for those that want something hearty, festive, and straight-forward, Saint Arnold brewery comes in strong. Their Christmas Ale packs a holiday punch at 7.5% ABV to give you all the red-nosed cheer you could ask for, and a little more if you’re not careful. Saint Arnold fills this Ale with five different malts to give it depth, body, and a warming alcohol content, and two Pacific Northwest hops to give it some spice and floral joy.

Let’s put on those ugly sweaters and get to drinking.

First Impressions:

  • On the Eyes--As promised, it is a deep copper color, as clear as a frigid winter night, and topped with a fine dusting of gentle foam.

  • On the Nose--Malty and crisp, it reminds me a lot of a more robust version of their Oktoberfest beer with just a twinkle of spice at the back.

  • On the Palate--Definite winter warmer. It is robust and malty with a full, smooth body. Like the aroma, it has just a touch of spice at the end with a hint of floral hop flavor to balance the malt. The flavor continues to remind me of a more robust Oktoberfest beer, which I enjoy. It is a great ale for those seeking something cheerful and seasonal without the pine and berry adjuncts or the dense hops flavors of a holiday IPA. And the higher ABV isn’t so bad either (he writes as he cracks another).

Food Pairings: Saint Arnold says it pairs nicely with some holiday favorites like fruitcake, Christmas pudding, and squash bisque.


This is a solid Christmas ale that will please any beer drinker. Additional flavors in beers can be like taking the first slice of a mystery fruitcake—intimidating and risky with the fear that you’ll have to finish the whole thing—but this beer is right down the pipe. It has great malt character with just a touch of floral and spice hop flavor and a high ABV to give the drinker a little Christmas courage. It is also a great gift that comes with explicit instructions. When I popped the first top, it said: “Drink me.” Even the cousin that eats yellow snow can figure that out.


Mr. Brew


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