Arctic Pale Ale - EINSTӦK ӦLGERĐ

EINSTӦK ӦLGERĐ is brewed just 60 miles south of the Arctic Circle in Iceland. This Arctic Pale Ale is made with some of the freshest water in the world, and infused with three hops to bring that fresh water to life!

When cracking open a can of the Arctic Pale Ale, you are met with a mixture of sweet and bitter aromas. This beer carries a light haze in a deep gold color, representative of the deep and complex malt flavors it carries with it.

Two cans of Einstock's Arctic Pale Ale and a horn mug.

Arctic Pale Ale is a very drinkable and enjoyable beer. Brewed with three types of malts and three hops, there were lots of flavors to identify that make this Pale Ale versatile. The most prominent hop profile for me was the Cascade hops. Arctic Pale Ale is also brewed with Northern Brewer hops and Hallertau Tradition hops. Each of these hops carries low to medium bitterness, earthy flavors and crisp fruity flavors. Cascade is known for its floral and citrus flavors. I personally taste lemon but with a light bitterness that wasn’t overpowering.

The earthier, nobler flavors came in after the first sip and more as an aftertaste. The fresh pine flavors lingered from Cascade and Hallertau Tradition, but the bitterness is quite mild.

Einstok described the tasting notes of this beer as having a slight toffee taste. This definitely lends itself to the three kinds of malts and the creamy sweetness that balances the lemon flavor. (I got really hung up on the prominence of the lemon.)

The Arctic Pale Ale is 5.6% ABV and Einstok says it is best paired with “almost any meal, from burgers and steaks to hearty vegetable dishes, pasta, chili, and BBQ.” And its low ABV makes it sessionable in any weather, freezing cold or searing hot.

We found this beer at our local Spec’s store and I am so glad that we brought it home. It was great to try a beer from Iceland and it really is mild and enjoyable. I could easily drink this year round. There were a few more styles of Einstock’s on the shelf that I will have to try next.

See if your local liquor store has Einstok’s Arctic Pale Ale for your next beer night. 


Mrs. Brew


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