Ginger Lime Rooibos - Rishi Tea

Rooibos tea happened across my mug about two years ago. I was searching for a tea to enjoy in the evening that was relaxing, mild, and caffeine free, and found a bag of Red Rooibos in my mother’s stash. Looking back, I can never remember her drinking it, so who knows how long it was there.

Then, Mr. Brew (sorry… Santa) put a box in my stocking and I have been hooked ever since.

Rooibos tea is brewed from a bush-like plant that grows in South Africa. This herbal tea is usually red in color (this variety is green!) and has a bright, robust flavor.

When I found Rishi Tea’s Ginger Lime Rooibos, my senses were captivated. The aroma is overwhelmed with Ginger, but the flavor is a gentle balance between the ginger and lime with the deep robust base that I love from rooibos. Because it is bright and fruity, it is not the tea I would choose if I was looking to fall asleep soon or be deeply relaxed. The citrus is vibrant and lingers, leaving you refreshed and alert. Since this is an herbal tea, it has no caffeine so it is perfect for afternoons or long nights. 

To brew, I used 1 Tbsp of tea leaves (approx. 5 grams) and let it steep about 3-5 minutes in 200℉ water. I then redried the leaves by leaving them exposed to the air, and brewed it again a few days later, steeping for about 5-8 minutes with the same great flavor.

Barista Note: I like my tea strong, so I often leave the tea leaves in the entire time I am drinking. However, after a while this tea began to taste bitter and acidic, likely from the ginger and lime natural flavors. I would definitely recommend removing the leaves after the above steeping times for the best flavors. 

We came across the Ginger Lime Rooibos wholesale, which was great because we could take just the quantity we needed to maximize its freshness. If you can find it in a store near you, let the aromas and flavors captivate you and take it home! You’ll not be sorry when you take a refreshing sip during that busy afternoon you have planned where you’ll need the bright and alert you, not the groggy and over-caffeinated you.

P.s. It paired great with fresh-from-the-oven soda bread.


Mrs. Brew


Earl Grey Tea & Blueberry Scones


Types of Teas