How to Brew an At Home Latte: The Perfectly Nutty Fall Favorite

cups of coffee with foam, bag of coffee, moka pot

Fall is the perfect time to cozy up with a latte. But being able to make that latte at home is even more enjoyable!

After tasting San Antonio Mission from Alamo Coffee Company, I knew that this was a perfect blend to turn into an at home latte. When brewed black, it carries a beautiful green apple tart flavor that is surrounded by a toffee and chocolate finish. This medium blend roast is the perfect flavor for fall. 

To make this at home latte, we used our Moka Pot. Although it isn’t truly espresso, the Moka Pot does make a darker and more concentrated form of coffee than a French press or drip brewer. We also used our milk frother (only $5 and well worth it) to get the milk to a similar consistency of a latte or cappuccino. 

Without further ado, let’s get to brewing!

Recipe (for two cups)

  • 30 grams of finely ground Alamo Coffee’s San Antonio Mission blend

  • 8 oz Water (in Moka Pot base)

  • ¼ tsp Hazelnut sweetener in each cup

  • 8 oz Whole Milk

  1. Fill the Moka Pot base with 8 oz of water. In the filter basket, add the 30 grams of finely ground coffee. (Using an espresso grind will clog the filter so be careful that you don’t get it too fine.) Gently tap the edges to get the coffee to level out without pushing down on it. You do not want to compact the coffee grounds into the basket. I also will level out the basket by running my finger gently around the top. The more level your grounds are the more robust your coffee will be. (Occasionally the grounds just don’t fit — don’t force it.)

  2. Screw the chamber onto the base and filter basket and set on the stove on a medium heat. Make sure the pressure release valve on the base is angled away from the burner and the person. Keep the lid open while brewing.

  3. While the coffee is heating and getting ready to percolate, measure out 8 oz of whole milk (2% does work but it can get watery) and put in a small sauce pan on medium heat (5 or 6). Gently stir this as it begins to heat up but wait to froth until the coffee is flowing. Be cautious that you do not boil the milk, as this will cause it to curdle.

  4. The coffee will slowly start to trickle out of the top and flow into the chamber. If you find that it is sputtering and bubbling instead of trickling, turn the heat down or lift it off the heat momentarily. 

  5. Put the hazelnut sweetener in the bottom of your mugs. Pour half the coffee into each mug when it stops brewing. This helps dissolve the syrup!

  6. Froth the milk so that it gets light, fluffy, and stays hot. Tap the pot on the counter a few times to get rid of any bubbles, and then pour slowly into the coffee and syrup mixture. This ends up being approximately 4 oz of coffee and 4 oz of frothed milk.

  7. Spoon the extra foam on top or mix it in. Then, enjoy!

This coffee blend has a natural nuttiness that is further amplified with the hazelnut syrup. Using it for this recipe created the perfect fall latte and one that I will definitely make again. 

If you don’t have Alamo Coffee’s San Antonio Mission, don’t fear! You can follow these same easy steps with your favorite coffee and any sweeteners you enjoy for a simple and delicious at home latte!


Mrs. Brew

Disclaimer: Brewing with a Moka Pot can be tricky the first few times. Don’t be discouraged and just keep trying. Eventually you will find a ratio that you find enjoyable!


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