Jingle Bones - Bones Coffee Review

Here in the Brew house we are big fans of Bones Coffee. We always get freshly roasted beans that are packed with intense yet well-balanced flavors. And this year, we were eager to try their seasonal coffee: Jingle Bones.

Jingle Bones has tasting notes of coconut, caramel, and vanilla. This bag of beans was especially balanced between the three prominent flavors. The caramel stands out more in the aroma with a hint of coconut to follow. Both caramel and coconut work well together in flavor and the vanilla comes in at the end and coats the mouth. Occasionally vanilla can be cloying and taste metallic, but not in Jingle Bones. This is refreshing and delightfully smooth.

Jingle Bones feels like Christmas morning: bright, sweet, and creamy. And we loved this coffee so much that we baked cookies inspired by it! So grab a bag of Jingle Bones, then head to the oven and bake Cajeta (Caramel) Coconut Sugar Cookies!

Cheers! (and Merry Christmas!)

Mrs. Brew


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