Bikini Blend French Roast - Blue Island Coffee Review

It is no secret that here in the Brew household we like our coffee on the darker side. So any chance we get to try a French roast – known for its double roasted smoky depths – we take it. This time, our French roast love took us to the Caribbean. 

mug of coffee, coffee bag

We brewed Blue Island’s Bikini Blend French Roast in our French press to our usual specs: 200F water, 50g, 3-5 minute steep. Right away, we see a moderately active bloom. Once poured we notice a minimal oil sheen on top which is one indicator of a darker roast with less acidity. The aroma is just what we expect in a French roast–deeply dark and smoky. There is a tiny hint of sweetness in the aroma, but it is shadowed by the smoky notes.

In flavor, the Bikini Blend French Roast holds true to what is promised, cocoa and molasses. The smoke in the aroma carries through the flavor and is paired with the slightly dry cocoa and a sweet molasses that coats the mouth. The molasses is gentle, but present enough to lighten the intensity of the smoke and balance the dry cocoa with creaminess. As is typical of French roasts because of the double roasted beans, this coffee is low in acidity, making it great for anybody who may struggle with the acidity and brightness of other coffees.

Barista Note: The café au lait is a French coffee that is made of equal parts coffee and steamed milk. So, we paired this French drink with the Bikini Blend French Roast. It was a great pairing! I find milk naturally sweet and that steamed sweetness balanced and smoothed out the smokiness. For my own taste preferences, I should have done a little less milk than coffee because I like the smoky, darkness of the Bikini Blend, but it was smooth and refreshing regardless. If you are a fan of lattes but are looking to cut back on some of the sugar and calories that follow that type of drink, make this at home!  

Crafted in the Caribbean with 100% Arabica beans, Blue Island’s Bikini Blend French Roast is definitely one to try if you enjoy deeper darker flavors that don’t linger on the palate. The sweet notes of molasses and cocoa leave you ready for more.


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