SMaSH Galaxy DIPA - Alaskan Brewing Review

I must admit, my eyes perked up when I saw a SMaSH (Single Malt and Single Hop) beer representing the flavor and aroma of Galaxy hops. And I must further admit that I was even more intrigued to see that it is a Double IPA.

Alaskan Brewing's SMaSH Galaxy beer in a tall can and poured into a mug.

SMaSH beers are my favorite to sample and my favorite to brew. It is so informative to try a hop in its purest form, not competing for dominance with other hop or malt flavors. This is where brewers and beer admirers really get along, and I was so pleased to find that Alaskan Brewing Company has this SMaSH Galaxy DIPA as one of their year-round beers.

Now for some detes on this beast. It contains 8.5% ABV and 86 IBUs. Alaskan Brewing says it is brewed with glacier-fed water from the Juneau Icefield, exclusive ale yeast, Australian Galaxy hops, and Premium Northwest Pilsner Malt, which is an interesting malt choice for such a heavy style beer with a hop as dense in flavor, aroma, and bitterness as Galaxy. Let’s see how it all blends together in our first impressions.

First Impressions:

  • On the eyes–It is very clear and effervescent. It formed a thick cream-colored head that diminished slowly and evenly. And it is a darker golden color than I was expecting with the pilsner malt.

  • On the nose–I get a hint of pineapple and sweet fruit aroma. I also get just a hint of floral and gentle citrus. What I like about the aroma is that it doesn’t make my eyes water like some Double IPAs do. It is extremely inviting and approachable. Alaskan said the pilsner malt added a light honey aroma, but this is not as prevalent to me. But that added malt sweetness might be what makes this one so approachable from an aroma standpoint.

  • On the palate–The first fruity notes of the aromatic Galaxy hops are fleeting as the heavier, almost earthy, resin hits the tongue with a floral bite. The bitterness lingered after the first gulp, but it wasn’t terribly numbing or mouth coating. The high ABV is noticeable, but it is quite refreshing compared to many DIPAs, and I think that has to do with the use of pilsner malt -- a good choice by Alaskan Brewing. The heavy bitterness of this SMaSH beer is not surprising considering the high alpha acid (11-16%) in Galaxy hops, and it should be expected by all who tread this way.

Often the intensity of Galaxy hops is toned down to make fruity and squishy hazy IPAs via dry hopping. This is not the case with Alaskan’s SMaSH Galaxy DIPA, a well thought out creation. Skeptical as I may have been, the Pilsner Malt was a great companion to the Galaxy hops. I would certainly recommend trying this beer to taste the heavier side of the coveted Galaxy hops.


Mr. Brew


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