PranQster - North Coast Brewing Review

Belgian ales take a lot of experience, technique, and craftiness to get right. From the malt selection, to the hops, to the strains of Belgian yeast to offer esters and phenols, not wonder it has taken Belgian brewers hundreds of years to master their ales. Which means only the most dedicated and true in America can even begin to attempt such a feat. Belgian ales are no joke, and if wrong, they come out tasting like clove and rotten banana smeared over a burnt band aid. Trust us, we know. Technique and tradition are king, so if you want a good Belgian-style ale in America, you have to go to the kings.

North Coast brewing has been on top since 1988, and their brews are the bricks that built their empire. One of those brews is PranQster, a Belgian-style golden ale touting the flair, whimsy, sophistication, and tradition that are necessary to create a Belgian beer.

tulip glass and beer bottle

The story of most Belgian ales begins with the yeast, and selection here is key (remember the band aid flavor?). So North Coast acquired a few funky strains from Belgium and in the process of deciding which one to choose, mixed two beers together and decided on two strains. The process of using one yeast strain can be challenging enough, but two?! We gotta pour a glass and dig deep into this iconic beer.

First Impressions:

  • On the Eyes--PranQster pours golden and cloudy with a fair bit of sediment floating throughout. Very little head formation that diminishes quickly.

  • On the Nose--Classic Belgian ale aroma with a little spice and a little sweet atop a crisp Pilsner malt. Clove is the most prominent with a touch of ripe fruit and a nice floral hop aroma.

  • On the Palate--Wow! It’s really quite floral and fruity on the first sip with essences of clove and ripe banana mingling well with the sweet malt and floral hops. Like many Belgian-style beers, PranQster is surprisingly light but with a smooth and quite full mouthfeel that goes down with an easy and clean finish with very little lingering flavors. It has a nice effervescence but seems a little lighter on the pop and snap than you might expect from other Belgian beers, but that could have just been me. PranQster never really goes bitter but maintains an even keeled floral hoppiness that rides the waves so well.

Food Pairings: North Coast offers quite an extensive cheese pairing list for PranQster, including Point Reyes Blue, Pecorino Pepato, Aged Swiss, Fiscalini Cheddar, and Dutch Leyden with cumin, Neil’s Yard Dairy Gubbeen, Uniekaas Gold aged Gouda, and Yodeling Goat. Whew! Mrs. Brew, get the cheese platter.

Final Thoughts:

North Coast’s PranQster pours a little cloudier than you imagine most Belgian beers that shine like spring water, but it doesn’t take away from the experience of it in a stemmed glass. It’s still beautiful and enticing and the aroma only adds to that with a resolute but subtle aroma of clove, fruit, and floral hop atop a mat of crisp Pilsner malt. And the first gulp matches that. I’ll admit, I was expecting something heavy handed, but it really is very reserved with the clove, the ripe banana, and the floral hops all mingling very well without butting heads. PranQster never gets too bitter or too sweet but has a gentle ebb and flow that takes you from sweet to floral and right through a clean finish without any harsh lingering.

Overall, this could be an ale straight out of Belgium. It’s subtle but complex, light but packs an aggressive punch of alcohol. It’s deserving of all its awards and praise. And if you’re in America, it’s quite affordable compared to many imported Belgian beers at around $9 a four pack.


Mr. Brew


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