Nitro Gentleman’s Relish - Lone Pint Brewery Review

Lone Pint Brewery's Nitro Gentleman's Relish Brown Ale in a can and poured into a mug.

When it comes to a rich, malty ale, there is nothing better than a well executed brown. Often full of chocolate, coffee, and nutty flavors, these comforting beers always make the winter drinking list.

And the only thing that will improve that warming, decadent drink is the addition of smooth nitro. Not only does it create a hypnotizing wave right before your eyes, but the collar of tight foam makes your mouth water with the chuggable silkiness and the smell of deep roasted malts.

This week, we bring you Nitro Gentleman’s Relish Brown Ale from Lone Pint Brewery out of Magnolia, Texas. Named after an English treat, anchovy paste on toast, Gentleman’s Relish comes in at a perfect 6.2% ABV and Lone Pint brings the flavor with Maris Otter, dark crystal, chocolate malt, and whole cone English hops.

Brown ales are some of our favorite cold weather beers, so let’s see how this one adds up in our first impressions.

First Impressions:

  • On the Eyes--Opaque dark brown topped with a tight collar of mustache-creating nitro head.

  • On the Nose--Chocolate and nutty with some distinctive English hop notes. It is malty sweet and ready to eat!

  • On the Palate--As expected with Nitro infused beers, this one is very smooth, which complements the heavy chocolate and caramel notes. I get the biscuit-like and nutty flavors from the Maris Otter malt as well, and the finish is dry with a medium bitterness from the English hops that exhibits floral and berry-like notes (Maybe Fuggle? Progress hops?). It is quite well balanced, leaning more toward malty with a firm bitterness, and the nitro adds a fantastic mouthfeel.

Gentleman’s Relish is a fun brown ale to drink with a smooth start and a dry finish. Lone Pint respects the English brown ale tradition with this creamy beer, and as a company they take great lengths to respect the environment. Renewable energy powers their brewery, they feed the spent grains to local dairy cows, and they sell their beers in a compostable six-pack ring. All in the effort to make great beer. As winter continues its onslaught, give Nitro Gentleman’s Relish a try. I guarantee it’ll make you feel nice and warm.


Mr. Brew


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