Myrcenary Double IPA - Odell Brewing Co. Review

You know, it’s a lot of fun to find beers with deep concepts. It’s a great selling point, and it’s refreshing to find something that steps out of the inundated world of craft brews to stand on its own. The Brew family loves concepts, because concepts often lead to more knowledge.

The perfect example of this is Odell Brewing Company’s Myrcenary Double IPA. This is not a typical DIPA where hops are thrown in without abandon. No, this dense beer is 9.3% ABV and 80 IBUs chalk full of hop strains containing the highest amounts of Myrcene.

Odell Brewing's Myrcenary Double IPA in can and poured into a mug.

But what is Myrcene, Mr. Brew? That’s a great question, and odds are good you already know it by its flavor and aroma. Myrcene is the most abundant of the oils found in hops, and it is typically associated with citrus, herbal, and resinous-pine flavors. While also being the most abundant oil, Myrcene is also one of the most volatile. According to, Myrcene has an evaporation temperature of 147°F. Obviously, this temperature is much lower than a brewer would see in a typical boil, so to maintain the amount of Myrcene in beers, the hops are typically added during the whirlpool or are dry-hopped later. That’s why you might know Myrcene, because it is present in those aromas drifting from the head of that golden drink in front of you.

And what hops contain the highest amounts of Myrcene? Many American hops for sure. Ones like Cascade, Citra, Simcoe, and Amarillo. A great blend of hops that is found in many modern beers, and certainly found in Myrcenary.

Now, back to Odell’s Myrcenary. Let’s see how it stacks up in our firsts.

First Impressions:

  • On the Eyes-- It is golden and quite clear with just the slightest haze. It forms a cream-colored head that just lightly covers the top but maintains pretty well.

  • On the Nose-- Odell Brewing describes this DIPA as having a pungent floral aroma, and they are correct. Myrcenary is really punchy, with some citrus and the promise of fruitier flavors ahead.

  • On the Palate-- The surprisingly fruity and light first taste is followed by some powerful resinous and herb-like flavors. The ABV is high and noticeable. Citra seems to be a prominent hop in this one, which is no surprise considering it is one of the highest Myrcene containing hops. I also get some earthy flavors that might be coming from some Simcoe hops, which might also be where that first tropical hit comes from. One interesting thing about this beer is that it has a pretty smooth finish, which most would not associate with a DIPA. I wonder if this comes from the use of Amarillo hops which provide a subdued orange citrus and light floral flavor.


Myrcenary Double IPA has a great concept that brings to life a lot of complexity. It is no doubt a sipper, and a fun way to get a huge dose of Myrcene-containing hops, many of which the avid beer drinker will already know and enjoy. One thing to address about this beer is the price. It did cost about $15 for a six-pack. It isn’t extreme, but it is high. I can assure any interested buyers that it is worth the experience, and with the complexity and high ABV it is a good sipper to have around when in need of something stronger. And if you want to learn more about hops and their compounds, this is a good beer to test.


Mr. Brew


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