Mosaic IPA - Community Beer Co.

This IPA from Community Beer Co. came out swinging. I loved the orange color and amazing aroma that punched me in the face right away. I love Mosaic hops, and this has to be one of my absolute favorites. It is rich in malt and hop flavor and the pieces of the Mosaic fit beautifully into a complex flavor profile. 

This beer cracks open at 85 IBU and 8.6% ABV, but it’s as smooth as a lot of session beers, making it an easy drinker with a nice balance of sweet malt and bitter hops.

Six-pack of Community Beer Company's Mosaic IPA.

One thing I always enjoy about Mosaic forward beers is the berry and tropical flavors behind the earthy and pine flavors. The pine and citrus struck me first but was quickly smoothed out by the tropical fruit and berry flavors swimming in the smooth malt. This beer showcases the duality of Mosaic hops nicely, with a flavor that is not over-hoppy and challenging to drink. This beer is as crushable as they come for such a strong one. I enjoyed drinking it from cracked-top to final sip, and its color is almost as orange as the can it came in. That’s probably why Community said on their website that it pairs best with Jimi Hendrix’s “Highway Chile,” because it’s got its “Flamin’ hair blowing in the wind.” They said it also pairs well with:

  • Friday nights (also Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday)

  • Texas Rangers Baseball

  • And Steak Dinners

Check out Community Beer Co. out of Dallas, TX, if you haven’t. Their cans say “Beer for the Greater Good,” and they have options to donate to people in need on their website. They also host other events to help out their community in times of need.

Also, keep current with them to know when their taproom will be open again. In the meantime, start with a Mosaic IPA or any of their other varieties you can find in a six pack near you.


Mr. Brew


Redbud Berliner Weisse - Independence Brewing Co.


(512) SMaSH Mosaic