Jockamo Juicy IPA - Abita Brewing Co Review

If you’ve ever been to Louisiana you know how hot and humid it can get. Here in San Antonio, we share those common denominators with our southern brethren. And when it’s hot and humid, certain beers just don’t cut through like they should, or they weigh the drinker down … not cool.

That’s why the Jockamo Juicy IPA is such a gem. It’s created by southerners, for southerners … and anyone else who loves a New England IPA that is as juicy, soft, and refreshing as a tropical fruit smoothie.

Abita brews beers and sodas that taste of the south, and I tip my hat to them. This Jockamo IPA is one of those treats, and it is brought together with the fusion of New England technique and southern hospitality.

Pale malt, oats, and wheat give it the hazy characteristic we know and love, and the fruit punch is packed in with double-dry hopped additions of Citra, Apollo, and Experimental hops, and as soon as you crack that top, you know what you’re getting into. And at the perfect 6% ABV and 30 IBUs it is approachable and inviting to all.

Abita's Jockamo Juicy IPA in a can and poured into a mug.

But enough talk, let’s get down to the nitty gritty.

First Impressions:

  • One the Eyes--There is no denying its hazy classification. It flows out in a pale gold stream and settles with little head formation.

  • On the Nose--The Citra is right up front, as expected in a double dry-hopped beer. Overall, it is fruity with some gentle orange citrus tagging along. Papaya and pineapple jump out from the tropical side of things, and these make the mouth water in anticipation of that first sip, so let's stop talking and let it rip.

  • On the Palate--Orange and Papaya are the most forward flavors, followed by the smooth floral notes from the Citra hops. Abita didn’t compromise on the effervescence in the name of smoothness. It is very smooth, but it also has the bubbly bite that complements the spicy heat in a crawfish boil. The Apollo hops are a great bittering hop that adds grapefruit flavor, but when they are added at the end of the boil they tend to be much lighter with more gentle citrus flavors and less bitterness. These late addition attributes of the Apollo hops pair well with the Citra hops to create a smooth, low IBU beer that is approachable and easy to drink.

If you haven’t heard of Abita Brewing, give them a look up. They have a ton of great beers and some extras including a King Cake Soda. They really cater to that southern Louisiana feel and that makes their brews all the more inviting and personal. But I would suggest starting with the Jockamo Juicy IPA.


Mr. Brew


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