Hazy IPA - Stone Brewing Review

We often search for that gargoyle on the side of the can when we’re needing something strong and bitter. But this week, we’re looking for something smooth and hazy from the master brewers at Stone brewing. Are these bitter giants up to the task of toning down the bitterness and amplifying the sweet fruitiness modern drinkers expect from a Hazy IPA? Well, we’re about to find out.

But first, let’s learn more about this Hazy IPA in the psychedelic can.

Stone first released their Hazy IPA in August 2021, and they squeezed all the fruity goodness out of the modern and popular El Dorado, Azacca, and Sabro hops to create an IPA with 6.7% ABV and 35 IBUs. Stone describes this beer as “Juicy and creamy with tons of orange, lemon, melon, with mango and pineapple. Smooth overall and very easy to drink.”

Let’s see if this complex and sweet sounding beer meets the Stone standard in our first impressions.

Stone's Hazy IPA can next to pub glass of beer

First Impressions:

  • On the Eyes--This Hazy IPA pours a light golden color. It forms a strong cream-colored head over a slightly hazy body filled with all sorts of tasty hop bits floating around.

  • On the Nose--Citrusy with a tropical and melon sweetness. It has a gentle floral element (likely the Sabro) that is quite nice against the citrus and the sweetness. Sweet and inviting, this Hazy IPA is ready to drink.

  • On the Palate--Citrus (lemon), mango, and pineapple all rush forward making this IPA quite complex and quaffable. Melon (cantaloupe) from the El Dorado hits at the finish, washing away the mild bitterness of the citrus and floral notes in a smooth wave of fresh juiciness. As expected in our modern hazies, this IPA is very smooth and medium-bodied. It has great balance, which is not always expected in our hazy beers. There is a good dose of citrus and floral to balance out the tropical sweetness, but the bitterness doesn’t linger through the finish. Stone’s Hazy IPA is very complex, an ode to the selection of fantastic modern hops, and it is fun to drink on a hot day.


To be honest, I thought it would be a little hazier, considering the name, but the appearance doesn’t take anything away from this beer. It is complex and balanced. I like the variety of fruit flavors that appear at certain stages throughout the drink, and I greatly appreciate the perfect touch of citrus bitterness to keep the sweetness in check. Hazy IPA is silky and easy to drink, and Stone brings their decades of hop expertise to the table with this beer. If you’re not sure about hazy IPAs or had a bad experience with one that was way too sweet, give this one a try. Stone makes great beers and they are often more affordable than most craft brews, so this is a good place to start. Their Hazy IPA is balanced, silky, complex, and it remains sessionable throughout without excessive sweetness weighing it down.


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