Bright Shadows - Real Ale Review

Summer in Texas can be tough. Anyone who lives here knows that. Selecting beer below a triple digit sun can be tough as well. You need something light but strong, effervescent but full of flavor. For us, this is where Belgian blonde beers come in.

Belgian brewing techniques offer all of these necessities for summer drinking with a lot of flavor and strength in a small package. So, why not start with a Belgian-style beer from up the road in Blanco, TX—Bright Shadows from Real Ale brewing. Bright Shadows is a Belgian-style golden ale promising a lightness at 26 IBU and a strong backbone at 6.6% ABV, a lifting effervescence and an aromatic and punchy Belgian character. Real Ale uses their house Belgian yeast and American and New Zealand hops to round this beer out, and we can’t wait to tip this ale back from one of Texas’s oldest craft brewers.

So, let’s…

tulip glass and beer can

First Impressions:

  • On the Eyes--Bright Shadows pours a clear straw to golden color, and its sparkling water effervescence feeds a persistent cream-colored head topped with an oily sheen.

  • On the Nose--Crisp malt with a definitive clove and sweet pear aroma. The Belgian character is right on point with a mix of sweetness, malt, and the deceptive lightness we’re looking for in our summer drinking. Let’s chug.

  • On the Palate--Pop! Snap! Bang! Light and effervescent, as promised from Real Ale, and we are here for it. But while remaining light, Bright Shadows offers a fantastic Belgian complexity that often falls short in other American Belgian-style ales, and this is likely due to Real Ale’s house Belgian yeast. The clove from the aroma comes through in a bubblegum flavor and a touch of sweetness is added from the malt and pear notes. The body is light and the bite of effervescence makes it even lighter. And while hops often take a backseat in many Belgian beers, the American and New Zealand hops bring a spicy floral touch that cuts the sweetness and gives the beer a modern and appropriate touch right through the dry finish.

Final Thoughts:

Belgian ales can be difficult to get into, and the thought of drinking a beer with clove and pear flavors may not appeal to all, but Bright Shadows is a great Belgian-style beer, and we love that it’s brewed right up the road in Blanco, Texas. Of course, the reason it is such a great beer is because Real Ale brews it for its people. They know what Texans need to cool down on a hot day. They need something light, bubbly, full of flavor and complexity, and something with enough kick to offer relief from the sun without putting you to sleep under it.

Bright Shadows is a great Belgian-style beer that is affordable and brewed close to home. Hell, go to Blanco and try it for yourself straight from the tap.


Mr. Brew


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