Amarillo Ale - Viva Brewing Review

Six-pack of Amarillo Blonde Ale by Viva Brewing.

Diving in and swimming around our local beer culture was what started this blog, and it always gives us a sense of pride and happiness when we get to profile great local beers from great local brewers. This week we’re looking at the Amarillo Ale from Viva Brewery in San Antonio.

It has 5.2 ABV, 15 IBUs, and Viva labels it as 100% Delicious. As implied by the name, it is brewed with Amarillo hops which Viva says give it “pleasant hints of ruby red grapefruit.”

It looks like a San Antonio treat on the outside, so let’s see how the suds compare to the suit.

First Impressions:

  • On the eyes--Quite clear and straw colored with a cream-colored head that diminished somewhat quickly.

  • On the nose--Clean and crisp. Although I didn’t catch the explicit aroma of ruby red grapefruit, I did get a hint of citrus and floral notes from the Amarillo hops.

  • On the palate--This Blonde Ale is lively, one of the attributes I believe skilled brewers can achieve with Amarillo hops. I do get a nice grapefruit/citrus kick, and some really forward floral notes. Personally, I also get some very pleasant pear-like flavors. It is well balanced with a low-to-medium body, and it is super, even dangerously, easy to drink.

Not only do I like that this beer is local, but it leans more to the hoppier side of Blonde Ales compared to the lager-ish side. It’s very much a craft beer interpretation of a classic and it represents relief in a can for a hot day in San Antonio (and trust me, we need it sometimes). This beer also comes with the great advice of ¡Celebramos Juntos! (We Celebrate Together!) on the side of the can. Check out this Amarillo Ale and some of Viva’s other brews, including a lager and a couple of IPAs. 


Mr. Brew


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