All Day IPA - Founders Review

Summers always seem like the best time to sit back and enjoy some beers by the lake… until the heat and humidity settle on that stomach of suds and all you manage to do is sweat it all out or pass out in the sun only to wake up 10 shades redder. This is especially true for us in South Texas: the beer sounds like a good idea until 90% humidity and 100 degree weather crushes your hope like an empty can.

Well, thank goodness for us that some great brewers have come up with IPAs designed for lakeside drinking no matter the temp. Enter, Founders All Day IPA, an IPA designed for everyday drinking where others fall too heavy or too bitter.

But what makes an IPA, or any beer for that matter, sessionable? For us, it comes down to a lower ABV, a light body, and just the right amount of bitterness so that you get the hop bite and flavor, but not the lingering bitterness. Founders hits the mark on a few of those points with a 4.7% ABV and 42 IBUs, but let’s see how they stand on the light, approachable body and a clean, fresh finish.

First Impressions:

  • On the Eyes--All Day IPA pours a straw to golden color, is slightly hazy, and is topped with a cream-colored head that diminishes quickly. We’re betting (and hoping) that haze is from Founders’ use of wheat malt to keep the sip smooth and dry-hop additions of Crystal, Cascade, Amarillo, and Simcoe hops.

  • On the Nose--Complex and lively from the mix of hops mentioned before. These are some classic hop pairings for a reason and they offer a lot of citrus, floral, and fruit depth to an IPA. Very enticing, and inviting for a sessionable beer. Let’s drink.

  • On the Palate--As we were hoping for, All Day IPA is light in the mouth with an added smoothness from the use of wheat and flaked oats. Founders uses Wheat, Flaked Corn, Flaked Oats, and Crystal Malt to keep the ABV low but the body light and smooth, two marks often missed in a sessionable IPA. The classic hop flavor from the citrusy Cascade is amplified by the lively and fruity flavors of Amarillo. The hop bitterness is mild and doesn’t linger after the clean and dry finish.

Final Thoughts:

Sessionable beers are not as easy to brew as some might think. Hops are strong and overpowering, especially when using lower amounts of malt to decrease the ABV. And like all beer, it needs to have some balance to be truly sessionable. Founders All Day IPA is complex enough to remain interesting through more than one beer, is smooth and light enough to keep you wanting more, and is balanced through the finish to wipe the palate clean after every sip. The bitterness doesn’t kill this IPA as some others might, and the malt selection plays well to keep the beer light.

I could see myself drinking a lot of these while wandering the wilds of Texas during the hot summer months, especially when considering the price of $16.50 per twelve pack or $17.73 for a fifteen pack. That’s a deal worth enjoying all summer.


Mr. Brew


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